As a leader in independent school education, 棋牌游戏大全很自豪地为我们的高年级学生提供创新的学习机会 Center for Advanced Experiential Learning. 中心内的研究所为棋牌游戏平台的学生提供了探索可能感兴趣的学科领域的机会,作为未来的大学专业或潜在的职业.
Lasher Business Institute
该研究所的重点是提供棋牌游戏平台大三和大四学生实质性, 有关, 以及商业基础的综合教学经验, 金融知识, 和创业. Students engage with stimulating and interactive lectures, intriguing and valuable case studies, problem-solving exercises, 体验项目, leadership 开发ment assignments, and the practical career application of key business concepts.

Directed by Carlo DiNota, M.B.A.

To learn more about the Lasher Business Institute, 点击这里, and for a video of the informational session, 点击这里.
Berkeley Health Sciences Institute
这个研究所让棋牌游戏平台的高年级学生沉浸在全面的临床和实验室科学课程中,以增加他们的一般科学知识, 通过迭代学习项目提高他们的批判性思维能力, 更好地为他们在医学和临床科学学士学位后的高级课程做准备.

Directed by Nicole Ackerson, Ph.D

To learn more about the Berkeley Health Science Institute, 点击这里, and for a video of the informational session, 点击这里.

Berkeley Advanced Experiential Biology Institute
该研究所是为有兴趣在棋牌游戏平台攻读高级生命科学和健康科学机会的棋牌游戏平台二年级和三年级学生设计的. The institute provides a comprehensive survey of the biochemistry, 解剖学, and physiology necessary to succeed in the Health Sciences, 以及针对ACT考试的科学和阅读部分的个性化准备.

Directed by Nicole Ackerson, Ph.D

要了解更多棋牌游戏大全棋牌游戏平台高级体验生物学研究所的信息, 点击这里, and for a video of the informational session, 点击这里.
This institute for rising Berkeley freshmen and 二年级的学生 not
about the ways in which the law intersects with everyday life. 该学院使学生成为有见识的公民,具备在未来任何努力中使用的重要技能. From being a good steward of the community, 理解在智能手机上下载应用程序的法律后果, 投票, and obtaining a driver’s license—the law is all around us.

Directed by Sandrine Guez, J.D.

To learn more about the 棋牌游戏平台法学院, 点击这里, and for a video of the informational session, 点击这里.
Berkeley National Security Institute
以及对国家安全机构和复杂的军队感兴趣的老年人, 经济, 外交, 以及21世纪美国和世界面临的情报威胁. Students enhance their leadership, 批判性思维, and communication skills by learning from guest lecturers, 回顾个案研究, and engaging in a national security threat simulation.


To learn more about the Berkeley National Security Institute, 点击这里, and for a video of the informational session, 点击这里.
Berkeley Institute for Advanced 剧院 Studies 
这个学院主要是为希望在严格的环境中接受训练的演员而设计的, 半私人环境,为大学或专业的试镜过程做准备. 上师 students learn to choose, 准备, 以及完美的独白,他们可以在大学预演或专业戏剧和电影的试镜中使用. 除了, they learn to 准备 for and create a successful self-tape, learn how to take a great headshot, and learn how to 准备 a profile on Backstage. They hear directly from professional actors, 行业专家, 向大学教授请教如何准备一次成功的试镜, how to book a professional role, and how to set the stage for a career in theatre or film.

Directed by Chris Marshall

要了解更多棋牌游戏大全棋牌游戏平台高级戏剧研究学院的信息, 点击这里.
Berkeley Institute for Journalism and Communications 
在一个由即时信息和数字连接定义的时代, the ability to effectively navigate, 理解, and contribute to the media landscape is more crucial than ever. 新闻学和传播学是为学生准备迎接多方面的挑战和机遇的重要支柱. This institute enables Berkeley freshmen, 二年级的学生, 初中, and seniors to succeed in a world where 批判性思维, 有效的表达, and ethical understanding are paramount. The institute shapes not only their academic journeys, but also their roles as informed, engaged citizens in a rapidly evolving global society.

Directed by CD Mclean and Christy Ortega Gaurkee

要了解更多棋牌游戏大全棋牌游戏平台新闻与传播学院的信息, 点击这里, and for a video of the informational session, 点击这里.
成立于1960年, Berkeley is an independent, 圣公会, college-preparatory day school located in Tampa, FL, for boys and girls in grades Pre-Kindergarten through 12. 大约1400名来自坦帕湾地区的学生聚集在这里,组成了一个棋牌游戏平台.