Sports Medicine

Sports Medicine Services and Information

Visiting Team Information:
棋牌游戏平台预科运动医学工作人员欢迎您和您的团队来到坦帕湾地区. We hope your experience here is a safe and enjoyable one. 我们希望帮助您规划您即将到来的校园旅行的医疗需求.  如果您对运动员的医疗服务有任何疑问或特殊需求,请在抵达前与我们联系.
Weather Policies:
Athletic Department
Lightning Safety Policy and Procedure
闪电是可能影响高中棋牌游戏平台的最持续和最重要的天气灾害, especially in Florida.  While the probability of being struck by lightning is extremely low, 当该地区有风暴,而没有遵循适当的安全指南和预防措施时,这种可能性要大得多.
决定将一个队或个人从运动场地或赛事中除名的指挥系统如下, Crisis Management Leader, 总教练和/或认证和许可的运动教练负责跟踪即将发生的闪电活动的距离, 并停止所有活动,直到安全注意到如下程序所述:
Requirements for lightning safety:
  1. Prevention is key.  教练和/或运动医学人员应该在每天练习或比赛前检查天气报告.
  2. 教练和运动医学人员应该知道离现场最近的安全避难所的位置,以及到达该地区所需的时间.
    1. 安全避难所的定义是:任何有金属管道或电线或两者兼而有之的坚固建筑, to ground the structure.
  3. 教练和运动医学人员应该意识到闪电是如何近距离击中的.
    1. 使用Telvent天气服务及透过简讯进行闪电监察.
  1. 如果我们收到短信通知说半径八英里内有雷击, all activity should cease and all persons should seek immediate shelter.
  2. Allow a minimum of 30 minutes to pass after the LAST strike of lightning.  Telvent气象局监测所有雷击,并在安全恢复活动时发送“解除雷击”的短信.
  3. Lightning strike victims do not carry an electrical charge.  Thus CPR is safe to render to any fallen victim of lightning.

List of 3 frequently asked questions.

  • Q. 如果我的儿子或女儿在棋牌游戏平台或非棋牌游戏平台体育赛事中受伤,我该怎么办?

    你的儿子或女儿有没有尽快去看运动教练,让他对伤势进行评估.  If further medical attention is required it can be expedited as soon as possible.  以及让教练知道,如果运动员需要特殊的住宿训练或比赛.
  • Q. What exactly do I need to do if my son or daughter receives a concussion?

    As per Florida State Law, 所有受到脑震荡的学生运动员必须离场并接受评估.  If any symptoms of a concussion exist, they are not allowed to return to play that same practice or game.   所有高年级学生运动员都接受了基于计算机的脑震荡测试, the ImPACT test.  We will repeat that test as well as monitor symptoms.  The student athlete will also need to be evaluated by a physician.  Once evaluated, the athletic trainer will provide you with more information.
  • Q. Are athletic injuries covered by Berkeley Health Insurance?

    由于棋牌游戏平台赞助的体育赛事(主场或客场)而发生的运动伤害由您的保险作为初级保险和学校保险将是次要的.   运动教练将完成一份受伤报告,然后提交给运动办公室,然后提交给我们的保险公司.
Founded in 1960, Berkeley is an independent, Episcopal, college-preparatory day school located in Tampa, FL, for boys and girls in grades Pre-Kindergarten through 12. 大约1400名来自坦帕湾地区的学生聚集在这里,组成了一个棋牌游戏平台.